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Holy Week at Home 2020

This year during the COVID-19 social distancing period, the Young Adults in the parish have put together a Holy Week Care package using items from Ancient Faith Ministries. We distributed a total of 25! The care packages included a censer, charcoal, incense, floating wick, vigil glass, prayer bracelet, and bookmark. Photos in this album were sent in from the various recipients. Some of their beautiful thank yous are below. Christ is Risen!

-"What a beautiful idea"

-"Thank you so much for putting this together! The amount of effort that you and others have put in to keep everyone connected and provide opportunities to have a meaningful faith life at home has been phenomenal, and much appreciated."

-"This is absolutely wonderful to have! Many thanks for making this happen! Blessed Paschal!"

-"How beautiful! We love the Prayer Care Pack. Please extend my gratitude to the Young Adult Ministry! Stay well."

-"It was extremely kind of you to send my family a care package. We put it to use as soon as it arrived today. My mother was delighted that her icon corner now smells of incense. She did not have an oil lamp, and so when we hear about readying for the bridegroom it now has an instantiation. You have brought us together, and for that too I am grateful. We look forward all the more to joining our voices together in one place in praise of our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ."

-"Thank you so much. Kali Anastasi!
May God bless you all!"

-"I don't believe we've met but thank you for the care package. It is a beautiful gift. Hopefully we will meet once the virus blows over."

-"Thank you so much for your help in making the experience meaningful!"

-"Thank you so very much for the Holy Week Care Package! I had been streaming church services regularly but when I lit the incense and the vigil light it truly made our home feel like a little church. Thank you so much, we are so grateful."